Claus Heinrich

Blog Directory added to

Now that I have made a my own blog, my attention came to how I manage blogs on my international directory. Sadly they have never been given much thought, so I just threw all blogs into one sub folder on a temporary category.
Today, I have expanded my general directory with a specific blog category. Slowly the blogs allready approveded in the directory will be reviewed again, and placed in the new sub categories I will make on demand.
This way I can have a clean area for blogs only, and at the same time get them out of the other categories around the directory.

If you are a blog owner, then you are more than welcome to add your own blog for free, and get a little link love 🙂


  1. I just wanted to say I dont see how anyone benefits from submitting to your directory because you use the no follow tags, its a pity so all the websites did not take the time to see this because the benefit to them it ZERO.

  2. This is where you are very wrong. The nofollow flag has been deliberatly set last month, and this is with very good reason.
    If you want to benifit from a directory listing then your BEST chance is to get it from the detail pages like where there are few outgoing links, rather from a spammy category page like and

    What I did, was to set nofollow flags within the “linkfarmism” category pages, and thereby distribute the Pagerank and Page Strength downward into the detailpages.
    Notice: None of the detail pages have nofollow flag on the actual title link.

    This way the strength in my categories wont pour out, but rather distribute out to all the listings detail pages.

    Matt Cutts have also talked about directories and the benificial usage of nofollow tags when placed right.

    Trust me I understand your initial fury when you see the nofollow tag, but bear in mind this is done for the users interest.

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