Claus Heinrich

URL structure update on my directory script

I have been boggeling with thoughts on how to re-code my directory system so it could handle more seo-friendly URL’s for the detailpages.

And yesterday it hit me like a lightning from a clear sky, how I should get this done. 4 hours later and I had it made and it works brilliantly.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, my mission was to make the URL string more readable and unique, and you can se my examples belov (Before / After)

Example of a detailpage url before update:
old url

Example of a detailpage url after update:
new style

So from now on I have the option to give links in the system a unique filename if I want, and will use it on all new links, plus I will update old links in the system as I re-review then over time.

This update has been integrated in the following directories of mine:

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